- 1,2Department of Education, Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education, Philippines
- FAR Journal of Education and Sociology (FARJES)
Academic performance is the measurement of students’ achievement across various academic subjects reflecting classroom undertaking of tasks and results from standardized tests. This study used quasi-experimental research to determine the effectiveness of traditional and innovative teaching strategies, the learning performances, and the attitudes of 79 Grade-10 Science students. Thus, traditional teaching was applied to a control group while Innovative teaching strategy was applied to an experimental group. Both group were subjected to pretest, post-test. The result showed that the academic performance of the students had slightly improved their scores from pre-test to post-test using the traditional teaching strategy. However, their academic performance using the innovative teaching strategies had improved more from pre-test scores to post-test. Therefore, the innovative teaching strategies are effective teaching tools compare to traditional teaching strategy. Hence, There is significant difference between the pre-test and post-test performances of both group, moreover, the use of innovative teaching strategies are effective in teaching Science subject and increases students’ academic performances based on the mean of weekly quizzes scores of students towards using innovative teaching strategies that the use of Video Clips is the most effective way of increasing the result of students’ performance. The students’ positive attitude towards the use of innovative teaching strategies resulted to as strongly agree. While the students negative attitude have changed in a positive manner. Paper suggested that, teachers should develop learning tasks as an instructional material in the teaching-learning process to strengthening academic performance of the students. Furthermore, this will serve as the reference for the future researches.