- 1Revd Dr Chukwunonso Joseph Nosike, 2Uju Cynthia Nosike, 3Oluchukwu Sandra Nosike Ojobor
1Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, 2FederalUniversity of Technology Owerri, 3University Of Nigeria, Nsukka
- FAR Journal of Financial and Business Research (FARJFBR)
Bamboo, often dubbed as the “green gold,” has garnered increasing attention for its economic potential and sustainable attributes. This abstract provides a succinct overview of the economic value of bamboo, highlighting its multifaceted contributions to various industries and rural livelihoods. Drawing upon a review of literature and empirical evidence, we examine the diverse applications of bamboo, its socio-economic impacts, policy and institutional frameworks, challenges, and opportunities. Our analysis underscores bamboo’s significance as a renewable, fast-growing, and versatile resource that holds promise for promoting inclusive and green growth. By leveraging bamboo’s economic value, countries can foster sustainable development, mitigate climate change impacts, and advance towards more resilient and equitable societies.